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It is estimated 10,000 pangolins are globally traded annually.


They are consumed as a luxury item and the scales are used in traditional medicine.


As a slow breeding animal it cannot withstand this pressure for long.


There are eight species of pangolin distributed across Africa and Asia. All are listed on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species which highlights those species that face a real risk of extinction; the Chinese and Sunda pangolin are both listed as ‘Critically Endangered’ meaning they face a higher risk of extinction than others. The other two species of Asian pangolin are listed as ‘Endangered’ and the African species are all listed as ‘Vulnerable’

They are the most trafficked mammal you've never heard of.

John Stutter, CNN


Over the past decade it is thought that over one million animals have become victims of the wildlife trade.

IUCN SSC Pangolin Spcialist Group

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